After a recent rebrand, Pembroke Real Estate engaged Arrowstreet to develop a system of branded entrance signage utilizing their new logo across their seven global offices. Rolled out in Boston, Washington, D.C., London, Munich, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Sydney, the graphics create a sense of place for employees as they travel between offices. Components include entry signage and conference room graphics customized to each office. The entry signage greets employees and visitors using sleek metal letters paired with a large scale, dimensional icon. Materials were selected to coordinate with each office; for example, in Boston, metal faces were applied to natural wood blocks to complement the existing office finishes.
In addition to the entrances, we developed a system of graphics to identify each conference room. As each office is located in a major city with a subway system, Pembroke named their conference rooms after adjacent subway stops. Our Graphics Studio applied refined subway lines paired with a colored “blur” representing the movement of people and ideas.
Project Details