NGIN Workplace, located in 2 Cambridge Place in Kendall Square, is a shared incubator space for entrepreneurs, start-up companies, and telecommuting employees. BioMed Realty Trust, owner of the building, approached Arrowstreet to create a 15,600-square-foot turnkey space for this innovative tenant. Designed to exude NGIN’s brand and core mission, there are a variety of huddle zones for team collaboration, bump areas where members can run into each other, and flexible meeting rooms with movable partitions and flat screen monitors. Neighborhoods throughout the workspace are divided by clear partitions to allow each company to have its own dedicated space, yet still be connected with the entire community. A central, inviting kitchen is devoted to catered community lunches, and a vast assembly space serves as a venue for special guest lecturers and public events.
Project Details
Cambridge, MA
BioMed Realty Trust,Inc.
15,600 SF