Operating in a Persistent Pandemic Environment
Arrowstreet—Using data, machine-learning, and an understanding of the Fleet Marine’s on-base job(s) to, in the face of unknown disruptions, enable leadership to make critical workplace and facility decisions to improve resilience on USMC installations.
A Marine/Task Centric Approach to Determine Planning Requirements for the Base of the Future
Arrowstreet, Quanterion, CHM, 3rd Horizon —A Marine-centric approach to installation planning (as opposed to our traditional facility-centric approach) will provide the USMC with greater resiliency and flexibility to respond to a rapidly evolving threat context as well as improve efficiency and effectiveness of the day-to-day operation of bases.
A Warfighter Centric Approach to the Base of the Future
Arrowstreet—In an increasingly complex world defined by an ever-changing threat environment, rapidly changing technologies and increasing operational tempos, a new installation planning paradigm is required. Based on a growing recognition that our most important military assets are our warfighters and their families, our work over the last 30 years has convinced us that concentrating attention solely on the physical infrastructure hinders rather than enables our warfighters in carrying out the mission.
The Military Building of the Future: Designed for Change
Arrowstreet—Concerns with the state of the installations and facilities that support the military are widespread and well known. The scope of deferred maintenance and the mismatch between the requirements of a modern, agile, joint force with the often decades old facilities that houses them is well known. We believe that in an increasingly complex security environment defined by rapid technological change and the increasing operational tempo, requires new planning and design approaches to enable the physical infrastructure of the military to keep up with the joint force’s mission.
The Military Declares War on Sprawl
CityLab—Makeovers are setting the scene for the launch of Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F), a larger initiative — a decade in the making and still pending final approval — that strives to radically change how the Army prepares service members. The proposal includes the introduction of a new field manual for training, plus the creation of Soldier Performance Readiness Centers (SPRC, pronounced “spark”), which will be state-of-the-art fitness facilities staffed by experts who can educate and offer real-time feedback on proper form, psychological well-being, nutrition and more.
Major initiative seeks to combat U.S. soldiers’ weight problems and injuries
The Washington Post—Busy each day with thousands or tens of thousands of people, a military base is a mini-city. It has its own police, fire, and recreation departments, and even a “mayor” (the base commander). It has traffic, crime, and pollution, just like a regular city. And its residents are dealing with a major public health concern—obesity. Now the U.S. Department of Defense is looking to the environment of the base itself to get its forces into shape.
Base of the Future: Planning for Quality of Life
Arrowstreet & CHM—Most bases no longer meet the physical requirements of today’s mission. Increased operational tempo, more complex missions, and systems changing demographics and lifestyles, and aging, single-use facilities has resulted in infrastructure that is in many cases outdated and obsolete.
The Healthy Base Initiative
Bipartisan Policy Center—The Healthy Base Initiative. A fit and healthy fighting force is the foundation of a strong national defense. But in the United States, poor health, obesity, lack of physical fitness, and tobacco use pose a growing threat to the Department of Defense (DoD)’s four “Rs”: recruitment, retention, readiness, and resilience.