Arrowstreet has completed a comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Brockton covering 20 Municipal Buildings and 24 Educational (school) facilities. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the current facilities and programming needs to inform a long term plan for the future growth of the City. Planning for the municipal buildings was guided by concerns to foster future downtown revitalization. The educational planning focuses on physical improvements to the buildings while creating state of the art learning environments. The scope identifies what the City of Brockton currently has in their existing building inventory and gives recommendations to address facility upgrades and potential program offerings.
The Master Plan includes a wide range of building types including maintenance structures, libraries, public safety buildings (police and fire), City Hall, administration buildings, senior center, and 24 educational schools and buildings. The age of the buildings span over a 100 year period, with some fire stations dating to the 1800’s. During the study, each of the buildings was thoroughly assessed with an in-depth, quantitative scoring analysis of criteria including site, building, and programming effectiveness and deficiencies. This process included site visits, input, ideas, and feedback from staff, surveys, interviews, data analysis, and visioning meetings that shaped the findings of the reports.
Following the program and building needs assessment, Arrowstreet worked with the City of Brockton Department of Planning and Economic Development and the School Department to develop phased recommendations for relocations, renovations/additions, facility improvements, and new construction. In addition to facilities improvements, important consideration was taken to reduce the City’s operating costs by eliminating surplus facilities.
Project Details
21.58 SQ MI