
A primary focus of this 500,000 SF development is to set a standard for community-oriented urban design that addresses the resiliency challenges of building along the waterfront. To resolve these unique challenges, the architecture and landscaping address the site’s immediate needs while incorporating long-term resiliency strategies through interwoven public spaces and phytoremediation.

During the design phase, we presented sea-level rise scenarios using virtual and augmented reality to help the client fully understand the probable flood impacts on the development. This process allowed the design team to vividly describe a measured and passive response.

Read more here: http://www.thearchitecturecommunity.com/ora-seaport-arrowstreet-inc-architect-of-the-year-awards-2020/

Topics: seaport, Awards, Parcel K, Award, Ora Seaport, Resilience, South Boston, Honors and Awards, Residential, Sustainability